Hello All :)
Welcome to another Forum discussion. I want to start by saying that I am extremely biased on this topic. I have grown tired of eating out but I can't deny the amount of options and the trends happening in the world. The food industry is growing exponentially. Restaurants, food trucks, farm to table stalls and all sorts of food businesses are taking the world by storm. Why cook when you can get a full meal with (*cough* FAST FOOD AINT A REAL MEAL) a call or a swipe?
Why do you eat out? What motivates you to leave your kitchen empty 3-5 nights of the week?
Why don't you eat out? What kind of benefits do you see from eating home cooked meals more often?
We all have to eat. I just want to know what you guys prefer and why?
I am looking forward to reading your responses! Be nice.
Love y'all!
- Caity C. ❤️
I hate cooking. Period. I hate it. I only do it well when Im cooking for other people. otherwise it’s an actual chore. my goal almost every year ends up being to cook more, but i always prefer eating out. I have started meal prepping a lot, but i don’t like doing it. Plus the variety is better. example: I dont have all the Indian spices to make my favorite dishes and even if I did I don’t have the patience. So imma find me a cute lil spot and go. And usually I get enough to make sure I have enough to eat at it another day as well.