Hello My Loves!

Where do I start?! First off, it has been almost 2 entire months since my last blog post. March was a month that I was very excited about for the content and recipe lineups. However, nothing ever goes as planned when you really need it to. Since late January I have experienced two deaths in my inner circle, a major breakup, moving (twice), hitting a deer with my car… you name it. I struggled to keep content alive through February and faced even more issues with ordering products that I still have not received (it's May lol). I appreciate those of you who have asked what's happening with the blog because that means you really enjoy my posts. That makes me happier than you all realize. So through all of the ups and downs, if you are still here, I promise I have HUGE plans. All I need is time and organization to execute. For now, enjoy this update and feel free to contact me @ thebigyellowpotcc@gmail.com if you’d like to contribute to any upcoming ideas or content.
So… I am here now and ready to explain the new vision for the blog. Like many creatives know, life doesn’t stop moving for anyone. Some days you find yourself overflowing with ideas and energy. Some days you don’t feel anything in the right side of your brain. Interviews were my heart and soul for this blog. I never intended to do much else except include a restaurant review or meal prepping tidbits. I always intended to use the people I am proud of as fuel for inspiring original recipes. I also was under the impression that no matter how much you face in the world, consistency and hard work will always prevail. WRONG. Sometimes you can do everything and anything but God is trying to move you into a space of peace and purpose. I think God was using these early experiences to show me how to go about doing this.
My goal has always been to draw the average person into the “foodie” culture and lifestyle. I want people to not only eat but to care about ingredient sourcing, seasonal eating, agriculture and bougie ingredients as well. I also want people to spend a little more time in their own kitchens and understand the dangers of the food industry and how you can mitigate some of those by taking the time to provide your family or household with home cooked meals. I also had an indirect goal of teaching myself different tricks of the trade while converting you guys one by one into foodies. I'm a chef by heart but I didn’t receive formal education or training on culinary arts. That was something I was hoping to gain as I went. I truly believe that I can still attain those goals BUT not while conducting interviews. Everyone I have worked with has been a dream, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t think that my dream and their dreams would ever line up, which is completely fine. I will always have a special place for those who really participated and put time aside to help further my goal and motto for The Big Yellow Pot. However, it was causing me way more stress to keep scheduling a month out of interviews and not knowing what trials I was going to face as time went on. Also finding that some interviewees were way more excited or engaged than others. That is where the decision to stop came from mostly (as well as general frustration and extremely high expectations).
Since being gone for two months, I haven’t spent much time recording or writing recipes. Have I been cooking? Oh yes. Always. My new job is fabulous and I am hoping to get settled and start enjoying the benefits. Whenever I am experiencing new opportunities or a big change, I always make myself take a step back and look at my overall goals. First of all, I feel amazing. I worked so hard to get my career going and to overcome the hell that has been my life in the beginning of 2022. I prayed so many mornings and nights to just ask God to guide me and help me with my anxiousness. You know how God works, when he comes, he comes right on time. While I continued to give him all of my hardships, he gave me a new0 perspective and patience (which I severely lack). Also financially, although my last job was special to me for different reasons, this career path is going to place me in a space where I am not as stressed financially. That means more content and equipment etc.
So, without further adieu… the BIG news! I am finally starting a YouTube channel in November 2022.
AHH!!! I know, I know! I am super excited.
Why November? Well, November was a special time for me last year when I launched the Blog. It's the month with the BEST food gathering, Thanksgiving, and it is the perfect amount of time for me to try and find a kitchen of my own as well as get some videos rolling. I still work full time and my plan is to post 2 videos a week. One on Monday and one on Fridays. I still plan to post around 5pm-6pm so that everyone can sit down and enjoy them after a long day.
I know you’re wondering, so what happens to the blog, Caity? GREAT QUESTION. The blog will still be here as well as my social media accounts where I will post reels or TikTok’s of quick meals. I will store all of my original recipes, product suggestions and step by steps of videos on the blog. Think of it as a written more detailed version of the videos. This will allow me to truly spend more time on camera just having fun instead of explaining measurements and technique. For those who are more written people, the blog will be a wealth of knowledge and the YouTube will be the glitz and glamor. I'm so very blessed and happy to be sharing this.
My channel will still be called The Big Yellow Pot and I will be releasing merch and a number of series that cover specific topics. I am ONLY doing what I want on this channel and I pray that God continues to fuel my creativity and love for food. I also hope to see you all there, so be on the lookout for monthly updates and surprises as we get closer and closer to launch. Thank YOU for being here and I look forward to serving you all some beautiful dishes and entertainment. Stay tuned and welcome BACK to THE BIG YELLOW POT.
WELCOME BACK! I‘m —extremely— happy for you and proud that you‘re walking in purpose!!! SO excited for your future content 🥳🧡